Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh one more thing!!!

So funny!! At girls camp the 2 night we had smores. One ward had left smore stuff out on purpose because there were bears and they wanted to see them. So obviously if you feed bears they come back right? Well when they told us that morning and well if you know my mom she was freaked!!!!!!! So that night we were getting ready for bed and my camp director went to take out the trash and she saw something in the bushes so she dropped the trash and RAN!!! When she came back we said it was just an armadillo so she said OK and went back. Well it was a BEAR!! Sister Clayson the best EVER came around with a big pot and spoon to scare the bears; we were all freaked. So to the good part, in the middle of the night Sis. Anderson woke up to a crash and just thought it was a water bottle but no it was the bear. It came up and took out our camp oven and slobbered all over the cooler with soda in it. She looked up and the bear was staring right at her!!! She woke us all up and told us but no one cared because we were so tired , they woke us up at 8:00 and we go to bed at 10:00!! Anyway my mom was just like go to sleep it only wants the food. Whats funny was she was the most scared!!!


Linde said...

That is classic! So funny. Too bad you didn't have a camera to catch people's faces when they saw the bear!!

kristina said...

Oh my gosh!! Thats scary! And really funny! :) AML! Keep postin!!

I believe said...

btw-all those comments are from brook, not my mom!haha! :) she forgot to sign off...:)

kristina said...

I love your updates Madeline! We all can't wait for the family reunion! Keep posting. It is so fun to read your blog. We love you! Aunt Kristina

Kristen said...

kk, u really need to update. i have read this story just about 20 TIMES!

I believe said...

When are you going to update girly!?!?! :)

Linde said...

Maddie, you've been home a week--you need to update! :)